20 Matching Tattoos to Send to Your BFF Right Now

The time is now to get your inking booked in and ready to show off with your bestie all summer long. Which are you adding straight to your list of ‘must-haves’?

For your ride or die besties, sisters from another mister and till death do you part girlfriends who just ‘get’ you, sometimes big gestures of love are necessary, and it doesn’t get much bigger or more permanent than the decision to get a matching tattoo…

Celebs like Emma Chamberlain and Dixie D’Amelio have been jumping on the tiny tattoo hype over the past few months, so it seems that if you’ve been considering immortalising your friendship for good, the time is now to get your inking booked in and ready to show off with your bestie all summer long. Which are you adding straight to your list of ‘must-haves’?

1. Catching waves AND feelings with a bestie you know will never break your heart.

Via sop_tattoo

A friendship that makes you shine is one to hold onto tight.


3. Insert all the heart emojis. 

Via Sop_Tattoo

4. They don’t call it the roaring 20s for no reason…


5. Yeehaw to the cowgirl cuties in your life.

Via jfriedrichs_

6. Here’s to the constant, safe kinda love.

Via pinkcosmetictattoo

7. For the seaside sisters or Pisces princesses. 

Via zaya

8. Here’s to the friends who turn your world upside down in the best way possible. 

Via evelyn.tatts

9. Twin flames, need we say more. 

Via siqboi_

10. For the friends whose love language is plants:

Via happybuddhatattoos

11. Pinky promises are the foundation of every great friendship, FYI…

Via welllookitsbrookeagain

12. Yin and Yang- when your bestie is truly your other half. 

Via tattoo_art_elisa_team_hamburg

13. When you’re both in your transformation era…

Via bellafineline

14. Alexa, play Woman by Harry Styles.


15. On cloud 9- the summer ‘22 vibe. 

Via leoniemoistattoo

16. Tiny hearts, big love. 

Via doetanitattoe

17. For the party pals, lots of the best convos happen 2 glasses of wine in…

Via tattoosbyeloise

18. Same but different. 

Via mollyg.pokes

19. Beach babes 4ever.  

Via oldboytattoos

20. For the fiery friends you couldn’t be without. 

Via tinytattoos_feathertouch


What It’s Really Like to Attend a Sex Party IRL

For the uninitiated and the downright curious (that’s just about all of us then), here’s what it’s really like to attend a sex party in real life, from a couple who know… and there’s not a pampas bush in sight. 

When you think of sex parties, what comes to mind?

Sweaty orgies? Elite masked events for kinky couples in costumes? Or dingy fuckfests where grubby single men can rock up in their oily overalls willy-nilly to watch you whilst they strum their penis in a corner? Maybe *that* Sex/Life scene has skewed your idea of what a sex party entails: the one that starts with a frenemy blowjob from Trina and ends with Cooper in a sling… 

Thanks to the many, many myths out there and unrealistic on-screen depictions (Eyes Wide Shut anybody?), what you believe about sex parties and partaking in the swingers’ lifestyle *probably* isn’t true. Spoiler alert: It’s not like the movies. Kink events cater to all kinds of different tastes, preferences and sexual orientations these days, from the vanilla right through to BDSM, with some focusing entirely on the pursuit of female pleasure, whilst others have specific themes, fetishes or dress codes. There’s truly something for everyone! And when we say everyone, we mean people from all walks of life. Contrary to popular belief, sex parties aren’t reserved for the sex-mad, they’re for ordinary folk: lawyers, teachers, writers, doctors, stylists, financial advisors and accountants. 

For the most part, it’s a pretty close-lipped community too, with those in attendance keeping the location and intimate details hush hush. It’s a sacred space with mutual respect for one another’s anonymity, and it’s certainly not reserved for the crazy wild sex addicts of the world. In fact, the sex (if it happens, as it’s by no means mandatory) is only part of the appeal. Most party-goers are seeking something else entirely from their experience, whether that be connecting with a partner or building friendships with like-minded people who understand and respect you.  

Feeling curious? You’re not alone. As a team of people who’ve never been cordially invited to such a bash (more’s the pity), we are fascinated. Like, where do you hang your coat? Truly a pressing question we must get to the bottom of. Do you have to exchange naked niceties beforehand, strolling around butt naked making polite conversation about what you do for a living whilst knocking back a Prosecco and trying (read: failing) not to make eye contact with the sea of vulvas on the chaise longue across the way?

For the uninitiated and the downright curious (that’s just about all of us then), here’s what it’s really like to attend a sex party in real life, from a couple who know… and there’s not a pampas bush in sight. 

(This article speaks to Abbie and Emma’s experience and their relationship, and does not reveal locations or compromise anyone else’s anonymity.)

Abbie & Emma’s story 

We were sitting on the sofa watching tv, having a conversation about Amsterdam and the red light district, we had both been to see a sex show and found the concept interesting. It led us into a conversation about whether we would be interested in going to a sex party and we both agreed we would. So, with that, our best option to find one locally was… Google.

We didn’t actually discover much, and it made us realise that it is quite a private community. After some searching, we found a hotel that was hosting a “sex party” near us. 

The details said people would be meticulously vetted and single men were not allowed and had to either be with a partner or accompanied by a woman. Straight away, our reservations were put to rest, we bought the tickets there and then. Abbie & Emma

We went through the details regarding the party as we were both clear that being two lesbians, we didn’t want to go into an environment with lots of single men just watching us and making us feel uncomfortable, and this party didn’t seem that way at all. The details said people would be meticulously vetted and single men were not allowed and had to either be with a partner or accompanied by a woman. Straight away, our reservations were put to rest, we bought the tickets there and then. The dress code was *very* specific, no casual clothes allowed. They wanted everyone to be very dressed up, men in shirts, trousers and shoes and women in whatever made them feel sexy.

The build-up to the event was super exciting for us as we had no idea what to expect, whether it would be a “fuckfest” or casual drinks and a bit of naughtiness thrown in. Turns out, there was a lot of sex on the cards, and we very much enjoyed that!

We got all dressed up and ordered an Uber, both shitting ourselves on the journey there but equally excited, too. We pulled up to the hotel and there was a bouncer on the door which took us by surprise but also made us feel that the event was safe and secure. 

The hostess approached us and took our names, turns out we weren’t on the list even though we had bought tickets. The event organiser came out and asked how we knew him and how we found out about the event. We explained that we had found out about it online and he then went inside to discuss it with his wife. 

At this point, I was already backing out the door telling Abbie I didn’t want to do this, he came back out, apologised for the mix up and invited us in. With our free glass of Prosecco in hand, the hostess gave us a tour of the areas, firstly being the bar area where everyone was mingling, drinking and seemingly catching up. It suddenly dawned on us that most of the people at this party either knew each other or knew someone who knew them. I felt like a fish out of water whilst Abbie took it in her stride. 

The hostess then led us past a room where professional pictures were being taken, explaining to us that we also get a “free shoot” if we want. We proceeded downstairs to the “play room” which had no-one in it at that point. This was a large room with a lounge area, off the side to this was a large bedroom with a circle bed and mirrored ceiling, and the opposite side of the room was a large bathroom that had a bath you could easily fit 6 people in. She said we could come down anytime we wanted and do anything we felt like but there was no pressure.

People seemed supportive and friendly, giving us advice and stories about their own adventures into this lifestyle. This helped us to relax and start to open up more, and get excited about where the evening’s antics might lead. Abbie & Emma

Back upstairs we went, walking past the photo room which by now had 2 ladies, half naked getting snapped, and then onwards back to the bar. We grabbed a few more drinks and started chatting with everyone, introducing ourselves, what we did etc … after a while the conversations turned more sexual: what did we like, what were we interested in, what did we want to try, had we done this kind of thing before. People seemed supportive and friendly, giving us advice and stories about their own adventures into this lifestyle. This helped us to relax and start to open up more, and get excited about where the evening’s antics might lead. Through these comfortable conversations we built up enough courage to go back down to the play room which would make your jaws drop to the floor!

We entered the door to see a sea of half-naked people, some females with females, some threesomes, some people giving oral and we couldn’t help but smile! It isn’t every day you walk into this kind of party. We didn’t feel ready to dive straight in, so we headed to the bathroom and thought maybe we could start with getting into the large spa bath, we started running the water and undressing which started to attract other people into the bathroom. We took some of our clothes off but weren’t fully naked and perched on the edge for a while whilst having conversations with some of the other people. Two girls got undressed and got into the bath fully, we chatted but nothing piqued our interests, so we thought it best to go get another drink. A bit of Dutch courage might help us achieve what we had fantasised about when we booked this night.

The second time we came back down to the play room, we both wanted to see and do more than we had before so we pushed our way past people having sex and made ourselves at home in the centre of the circle bed. We started kissing and before you know it we were naked, having sex in front of strangers. We discussed our boundaries before we attended the party so we had both agreed that, as this is our first time, we wouldn’t do anything with anyone else. 

Whilst on the bed, kissing and touching each other, we had people come and ask if it was a private party (this is their way of asking if we are interested in playing with other people, specifically them!). We politely declined all offers and they had no problem with that at all. Some of them were just happy to watch and we certainly didn’t mind that at all, in fact it made the whole experience even more exciting! Who would have known having to put on a bit of a show for people would be such a turn on for both of us. We took our own toys to the party, but being new to this scene we were unsure on the etiquette, we doubled checked with someone that toys were allowed (getting a laugh and then quickly an answer of, “of course they are, you can do whatever you fancy!”)

Abbie grabbed some clothes and ran off back upstairs to grab our bag. Now we’ve attended a few gatherings, we know people always bring their own toys, some even bring whole suitcases full of stuff. Bondage, fetish, toys, lingerie changes, as far as we can make out most things are on the cards, and rightly so. These people have all come together freely and openly to express their enjoyment of all things pleasurable, so who are we to say what is acceptable or not. 

Our performance seemed to go down well as there were a few comments about how good we looked and how hot our sex was, which gave both of us a complete buzz! Abbie & Emma

I waited on the bed for Abbie to return with our bag, to the left of me on the circle bed was a woman giving oral, to the right was a threesome that looked a lot of fun. I saw Abbie fly back through the door. I’m sure my face was beaming when I saw her, for obvious reasons. We got out our toys and started fucking. Our performance seemed to go down well as there were a few comments about how good we looked and how hot our sex was, which gave both of us a complete buzz! 

Once we were done, we got dressed and that was that. Our first sex party! In our opinion, it was great. We both had a relaxed fun time and on the ride home agreed that this is something we liked and would explore again. We woke up the next day, slightly hungover and horny, and after discussing our night we had more amazing sex which pretty much confirmed that we wanted to do it again. 

Whilst chatting with some people that night, we were directed to a few online websites that would help us if we ever wanted to attend any more parties or socials. We’ve now been connected to other open-minded people and have attended another social. This one being very different from the first one, as we had all been chatting to each other on a large group chat for a few months before, so we knew who we were meeting before we had even got there. There were a few familiar faces but we got to know a lot more people and it feels more like a community. We’ve gained so much support and advice from people who have been in the lifestyle for a long time.

The second party we attended was in a club, it had a large jacuzzi that you could fit about 30 people in, with a lot of beds dotted around it. There was another room to just chill with sofas and beds and then the bar area with a dance floor and a DJ. That party was much more of a social setting and we were chatting to a lot of couples about their sexual fantasies and desires and what they were looking for. We had decided this time we would be more open to the idea of playing with another couple and so we did! We met this lovely M/F couple and took to the bed with them, again me and Abbie spoke to each other throughout to check we were both happy and comfortable. Speaking to a lot of couples this is a massive thing when opening a relationship up.

We had another successful party and will probably plan to attend more. The first party we attended blew our minds to the possibilities and we had such a great time. It was a lot smaller and a lot more intimate, whereas the second one was on a larger scale (100 people) and involved less sex and more socialising, although we did have to leave about 1am so it might have been that we took off before all the action started.

At most parties, clubs will allow a single woman to attend, and she would be called a unicorn. Abbie & Emma

I don’t think there are many do’s and don’ts – there aren’t specific rules in place per se, just that you respect everyone and don’t judge. Some parties are couples only, some evenings the clubs have a single male attendance where they are allowed in. At most parties, clubs will allow a single woman to attend, and she would be called a unicorn. For us, we wouldn’t attend an event or party that allowed single men but that’s our personal choice.

The two parties we’ve been to have been ticketed, although the club takeover event opened its doors to their regular customers at 9pm but I believe you have to be a member to get in. There are places “spas” that you can just walk in and out of as you please, to watch or to have sex. These places would normally be where the single men attend. 

Once everyone is relaxed, some people decide to undress and walk around in their underwear. Some of the women look amazing in their sexy lingerie. They’ve worn it to this kind of party, so why not walk around and show it off! From what we’ve seen, there aren’t too many people just walking around naked, this normally only happens when you’re in bed playing. 

We both enjoyed the experience and are definitely open to doing it more. We are both sexual people and are open to letting other people into our bedroom, but not into our relationship. We are open to having sex with other people, within our own rules but we don’t want to have an actual relationship or anything more with them. We’ve both discussed the fact that we find it a turn on seeing each other getting or giving pleasure to others as long as both of us are involved. We wouldn’t be happy to say bye at the entrance and then go off and fuck other people, it all has to be done with both of us involved. 

The whole process itself is exciting, and when we speak about it together, we get turned on and then end up having great sex. Abbie & Emma

The whole process itself is exciting, and when we speak about it together, we get turned on and then end up having great sex. We are both comfortable with each other, we trust each other, and we are open to trying new things. I don’t think anyone should be judged for enjoying these kinds of experiences but also, this isn’t a thing we want to do every weekend, every now and again yes, but not all the time. We don’t need that, we get what we want and need from each other and attending these parties just adds another level to our relationship. 

We’ve even spoken about attending a fetish club and getting dressed up to see if that’s something we would enjoy. The possibilities are endless, and it’s great to have found others who are open enough to try all these new things out with us. 

The only tip I could give would be to just be open minded, get chatting to people because everyone we have met so far has been so lovely. There should be no shame around people’s sexual preferences and fantasises, and if you can respect what you’re going into and have a willing partner who you can communicate with, then you’ll be in for a great time!

One big misconception about these kinds of parties is often that they’re just one giant orgy or fuckfest. This isn’t quite accurate, yes people have sex maybe multiple times with multiple people but it’s also about chatting and connecting with other couples and people. Most of the people we spoke to say they have to have a connection with someone else which isn’t just sexual. Of course, you want to fancy the person but also you want to be able to hold a conversation with them as well. Perhaps this is why a lot of them become friends.

We have spoken to people about this lifestyle and some are completely on board and think it’s great that we are open enough to do this kind of thing, and we have had some people that make us feel like it’s wrong or disgusting, that we should be ashamed.

There is still such a stigma attached to this lifestyle and ethical non-monogamy, when in fact, for some couples, it’s because you have so much love for each other and trust that you are willing to open that up and share that with others which I think is kind of beautiful!

Abbie & Emma

There is no shame in what we do, it isn’t for everyone, but we enjoy it. The friendships we’ve made, the conversations we’ve had, the places we’ve seen, and the sex we’ve had is fucking great! So I feel sorry for anyone who isn’t at least willing to be open to the idea of sex parties as empowering sex positive spaces for individuals and couples to explore their sexual fantasies safely.  


26 Wedding Day Gifts Perfect For The Happy Couple

From La Creuset goodies so cute you'll probably want to keep them, to photo albums ready to fill with polaroids of their big day, consider this your one stop shop for memorable, practical and downright beautiful presents the happy couple will always look back on fondly.

‘Tis the (damn) season for joyous celebrations and free bars galore- you guessed it, wedding season is here and the summer feels all the more fun because of it! The not so fun parts? Deciding what to wear, and securing a 10/10 wedding gift. Thankfully we’ve got you covered when it comes to finding the perfect outfit, so that just leaves a present that feels a little more inspiring than the traditional choice of a 50 piece cutlery set which frankly, does anybody want?

From La Creuset goodies so cute you’ll probably want to keep them, to photo albums ready to fill with polaroids of their big day, consider this your one stop shop for memorable, practical and downright beautiful presents the happy couple will always look back on fondly. You’re welcome!

*This post contains ad-affiliate links


What to *Actually* Expect When You’re Expecting: 50 Things No One Tells You About Being Pregnant 

From weird body changes (hello bigger feet) to the first postpartum poop and hot porno dreams, growing a baby is frankly full of both sweet and shitty surprises in equal measure.

The discharge, the fire crotch, the chronic constipation and the second-trimester LUST (what a combo, seriously) – you bet they failed to mention any of those things at NCT group.

In a quest to find out what you really need to know when you’re expecting, we asked 50 straight-talking mums what they’re biggest WTF moments were during pregnancy. From weird body changes (hello bigger feet) to the first postpartum poop and hot porno dreams, growing a baby is frankly full of both sweet and shitty surprises in equal measure. Who knew the simple act of trying to shave your legs would be a three-part mini-series, for example? Or that your belly would be fondled by the local butcher, baker and cappuccino maker on a daily basis. As for the pregnancy glow? That’s the greatest fucking gestation myth of them all. 

Without further ado, here’s all the glorious unfiltered stuff no one tells you about being preggo…

1. That not loving every minute of it doesn’t mean you’re ungrateful. 

2. Take photos! My pregnancies were a long time ago and I only got a few photos of pregnant me. 

3. You DO NOT recover after 6 weeks… more like 6 months, especially with forceps!

4. That bit of jam on toast you have after the baby is born is the best meal you will have in your whole life. 

5. That sometimes labour doesn’t progress. 50 hours of labour and I still didn’t get past 5cm. 

6. You will be constipated most of the time. 

7. The morning sickness isn’t just for the AM, it can be at any time and all day long!

8. Just how much your sleep can be affected. As early as 2-3 weeks pregnant, my insomnia started!

9. You will probably tear and most likely prolapse but you WILL heal and it WILL get better.

10. How isolating the first trimester can be. 

11. Every checkup feels like a huge relief.

12. That after having a baby the best thing to wear is massive black comfy knickers and that you will still be wearing them 2 years on. Come through M&S full briefs. 

13. That energy just vanishes from day one. No second-trimester energy for me. 

14. That getting/staying pregnant isn’t as easy as they make out. 

15. That not everyone gets morning sickness and home births really are safe!

16. That morning sickness can be triggered by smells – even nice ones.

17. Your belly button might stretch so much it disappears. 

18. That you have to push a big ol’ placenta out after your baby. 

19. Piles. So many piles. 

20. That the stool softeners they offer after a c-section are just as important as the pain meds. 

21. It’s a lie that you will get big tits… instead they will stay an A cup and the empty skin will just sag down to your belly button.

22. You will have so much saliva in the 1st trimester. Get ready to drool!

23. Caesarean recovery with your first is nowhere near as bad as people say. 

24. It’s ok to not enjoy it. I hated being pregnant. 

25. What postpartum bleeding is actually like…

26. Not everyone gets cravings even though it’s the main thing anyone ever asks about. 

27. Yeast infections are so common in pregnancy but no one talks about it. 

28. Your discharge can be strange and confusing but fear not, it’s normal. 

29. Morning sickness might make you unable to drink plain water.

30. How many more boogers you get…

31. That it is possible to tear from your vagina to your bum hole and you will forever regret not appreciating just how nice your vagina looked pre-kids

32. That the hair growth is real. You feel like an ape at all times. 

33. The intense heartburn!

34. That incompetent cervix is a thing. Just because my baby is healthy doesn’t mean my body is able. 

35. That the ‘waddle’ is from pelvic pain and not a heavy belly. 

36. Your pelvic bone might separate early. 

37. You can leak milk while you’re still pregnant. Catch it and save it for when the baby is here. 

38. The extreme exhaustion. It deleted my personality for months! 

39. That your feet can grow / stretch. 

40. The sex drive! 

41. How much you’ll hate your significant other in the middle of the night. 

42. The swelling. You will need to sit knickerless in front of a fan for fanny ventilation. 

43. The night sweats. 

44. How much you can accomplish on so little sleep. 

45. After a C-section, they get your partner to milk you like a cow with a syringe… Bye bye dignity. Not one of my highlights, pretty sure it wasn’t his either! 

46. The brain fog – your brain literally stops working. 

47. You will need to pee in the shower or bath for a while. 

48. Lactulose was my best friend. 

49. Labour pains after birth after twins. I thought I had another in there as the pains were ridiculous.

50. The first poo after a C-section. I thought I was gonna split in half! 


We Spoke To Hinge, Bumble, Tinder and Thursday About Building Your Perfect Dating Profile

With multiple apps out there all claiming to be ‘the one’, we spoke to the guys from Tinder, Bumble, Thursday and Hinge to get the lowdown on what they’re all about, and how to know which one (or few!) are right for you…

If you feel like stepping into the dating world in 2022 is overwhelming, you’re not alone. Combine leftover pandemic panic, an age in which our digital attention spans are getting shorter by the day, and busier than ever schedules and it may not exactly feel like the recipe for a dating dreamworld. 

So, how about accepting a little helping hand?

If you’ve all but given up on finding love, maybe went through a difficult heartbreak that knocked your confidence or simply don’t know where to start with meeting new people, let us introduce four of the UK’s best, most innovative and successful dating apps here to help you find your match, whatever it is you’re looking for.

So, where to start? With multiple apps out there all claiming to be ‘the one’, we spoke to the guys from Tinder, Bumble, Thursday and Hinge to get the lowdown on what they’re all about, and how to know which one (or few!) are right for you…

Demographic 101:

Hinge curious?

“As the dating app designed to be deleted, we’re the go-to app for intentional daters and meaningful connections” says Team Hinge.

Offering in-depth profiles, people can find a match who shares similar interests and align with their lifestyle habits.

The app focuses on the idea that people are “more than just a profile photo”, and has been designed to allow singles to showcase their true personalities. By offering in-depth profiles, people can find a match who shares similar interests and align with their lifestyle habits.

“Ultimately, the easier it is for you to find people you’re compatible with, the sooner you can go on a great date and find someone special.

Committed to empowering all daters on their journey, Hinge offers more than 50 gender options to select from within the app and also gives people the ability to write in their gender too.”

If you’re thinking about swiping right for Tinder…

“Right now on Tinder over 50% of our members are Gen Z, aged between 18-25 and it’s the world’s most popular app for meeting new people. Tinder has been designed to embrace the magic of human connections, whatever form that connection may be.

We recently launched Explore, a newly-created hub within the app that hosts completely new, interactive ways to use the app. With Explore, members have more control over who they meet by giving them the option to navigate through profiles arranged by interest, while also allowing them to access a growing list of exclusive social experiences, such as Festival Mode, Blind Date and Swipe Night – with many more to follow.”

Hot girl summer just got way more fun!

Bumble – give us the sales pitch…

“Bumble is a women-first dating app, built on the belief that when dating is better for women, it’s better for everyone.” You can say that again!

Bumble is the only dating app that empowers women by putting them in control of their interactions.

“Bumble is the only dating app that empowers women by putting them in control of their interactions. With women making the first move on Bumble, they decide who they engage with and unwanted messages or advances are not tolerated.

No matter the type of relationship, women always make the first move on Bumble. Bumble is built on the importance of equitable relationships and how crucial they are to a healthy, and happy life. The app is built around kindness, respect and equality – and everyone plays a part in that.”

Thinking about Thursday? What’s the deal and who can you expect to see there?

“The app is open to absolutely everyone but the large majority of our members are aged 24-30 and tend to be in the “young professional” category. However, we do host 30+ events as well as more “free for all”. In terms of expectations, the whole point of Thursday is to get members to meet IN REAL LIFE that very same day. Whether that’s through matching and chatting on the app or whether that’s by attending an event where everyone is single, the choice is yours.

The inside scoop. Digging deeper with Hinge:

With 30 million dates and counting, since Hinge was created in 2021 the app has gone on to see thousands of success stories, connecting couples in 20 countries and counting. One such perfect match? In December 2020, award-winning author, journalist and broadcaster Elizabeth Day got married to partner Justin, the couple originally matched on the app. Fun fact, Justin, sent the first message – it was about crumpets. Aww!

Building your Hinge profile …

“The key to a great profile is selecting photos and Prompts that show who you are,” say the Hinge Experts.

“Think about your profile as your opening line in a conversation — something your match can respond to or ask a follow-up question about. Try skipping the small talk and go deep with your Prompts – selecting the ones which allow you to be vulnerable and help the other person get to know you. Whatever it is you love about who you are, make sure other people can see it.

84% of UK Hinge singles say they would prefer to date someone who goes to therapy and are open about it.

“And there’s definitely room for all sides of you – serious and funny. To help encourage meaningful conversation around mental wellbeing, Hinge has just launched a new Self-Care Prompts pack – 84% of UK Hinge singles say they would prefer to date someone who goes to therapy and are open about it, so these Prompts are designed to help daters be vulnerable from the get-go and find others who are willing to do the same.

“Your dating app profile is a chance to show who you are, not who you wish you were! Singles want to get a sense of your true personality and what dating you will look like. Being upfront about this will help save you heartache down the road. Show the real you in your photos; how you dress, where you hang out, and what you like to do. 

“Next up, ask your friends for their thoughts on your profile – they can help you to create a profile that is actually you. Get their thoughts on your good traits, what you’re looking for, and all that you have to offer a partner.  Above all else, a good profile should represent you, not an aspirational version of yourself.” Say it louder for the people at the back! 

Hinge is setting up a date every 2 seconds, which is more than one million dates a month!

“Our community has been spending less time on the app and more time connecting with other Hinge singles where it matters- out in the real world. Hinge is setting up a date every 2 seconds, which is more than one million dates a month! In 2021, Hinge saw a 36% increase in dates globally in comparison to 2020 [according to We Met].” 

The inside scoop. Digging deeper with Tinder:

Needing no real introduction, the OG dating app Tinder is available in 190 countries and 40+ languages, it’s been downloaded more than 505 million times and led to more than 70 billion matches. Phew! 

So, how do you stand out and make your profile show you in your truest form?

Now more than ever, bios are so important,” says team Tinder. “In just a few lines, you can give a potential match key info about yourself to spark their interest. Love dogs? Perfected Latte art during lockdown? Add it to your bio to ignite a conversation, and even link your favourite tune to your Spotify anthem on your profile. Finally, add a dog! Having a dog in one of your photos increases your match rate by 5%!

Your Tinder profile should be all about you, being solo in front of the camera means potential matches know who they’re looking out for.

“Your Tinder profile should be all about you, being solo in front of the camera means potential matches know who they’re looking out for, so don’t opt for all group shots!  We want everyone to keep their profiles fresh by keeping photos up to date. We also encourage members to use our Photo Verification feature on the app to ensure we remain a safe space for meeting new people. Photo Verification allows you to verify your profile, showing potential matches you’re really you through getting a blue tick.”

The inside scoop- digging deeper with Bumble.

An app built around kindness, respect and equality in dating sure sounds right up our street, and at its core this is the ethos of Bumble, founded by CEO Whitney Wolfe Herd in 2014 and now seeing more than 42 million monthly active users. Bumble empowers its users to make meaningful connections across dating, friendship (Bumble BFF) and professional networking (Bumble Bizz) around the world. To date, women have made more than 1.7 billion first moves on Bumble. We love to see it!

Making the most of your Bumble profile…

“If a serious connection is something you’re looking for this summer, updating and completing your profile should be a top priority. Bumble gives you a clear indication of how complete your profile is, by showing you a percentage around your profile picture, which encourages you to fill in each section fully.” Pretty neat!

“Completing your profile (interest badges, prompts, basic information) not only increases your opportunity to make the most suitable connection but Bumble’s sex and relationship expert Dr Caroline West further explains, “A fully filled out dating profile indicates someone’s intentions to be committed to finding a partner. On the flip side, a barely filled out profile could be a red flag as it may signify that they do not want to communicate their traits clearly and honestly.”

“Opt for what you do want vs. what you don’t. It’s a good rule of thumb to avoid including what you aren’t looking for (e.g., “not seeking anything serious” “no drinkers”). Instead, reframe your bio to emphasise what you DO want, like casual dates with someone who doesn’t drink. Including things you could potentially have in common also helps start a conversation.“

Your profile should be mostly made up of solo shots, and that very first picture should definitely just be of you. “It’s crazy how many people still make this mistake,” Dave Bowden, author of Stop Doubting, Start Dating, says. “They think it’s important to show that they’re social and have friends, so they choose a photo that shows them with one or more other people. While it’s okay to work in a few shots of you with friends later, starting with a photo showing multiple faces makes it impossible for your potential matches to know which one is you.” Let’s quit the guesswork, people!

The inside scoop. Digging deeper with Thursday:

Dating app Thursday is the new kid on the block, and with a fresh take on meeting new people, it’s making waves in the industry and on social media. Every Thursday, the app comes to life with people near you who also want to meet that day. With exclusive events at some of the sexiest spots in the city, it’s perfect for those ‘I just want to meet someone at a bar’ people, allowing you to focus on yourself and live your best life for the 6 remaining days of the week and prevent dating fatigue.

So, why Thursday? Is it really the new Friday?

The founders actually had a previous dating app before rebranding to Thursday (still based on meeting in real life but a slightly different concept),” says Jess, Thursday’s Digital Creative Lead. “From the data on this they noticed that members were most active on a Thursday…” Interesting! 

“Let’s be honest – we don’t really want to waste our Friday night and Saturday night on a date that might not be worth our time. We’d rather save those days for things we really want to do – hanging out with friends, family, doing hobbies. If we ‘waste’ a Thursday, it doesn’t feel as bad because we’ve still got the weekend!” 

Building your Thursday profile …

“A picture can say a thousand words so picking photos that really represent you and your lifestyle are important,” says Jess. “In terms of using prompts – use one prompt to show a deeper side, one to show your sense of humour and one to show your interests/hobbies. However, it is absolutely impossible to show who you truly are in a dating profile regardless of how honest we think we’re being. Meeting in real life truly is the only way.

“We all want to pick our best photos, our best angles, our wittiest remarks but I think it’s important to remember, no matter what you put on your profile, it’s not you. You can’t get the full version of yourself across in just 5 photos and 3 prompts. You are wayyyyy more than a profile. Having said this, to get that date, it’s all we have to go on.

Just remember this: at the end of the day, if you’re faking who you are on your profile, you won’t be able to keep a facade up for long in real life so you might as well be as honest as you can be.

“Our primary difference and our mission is to connect singles IN REAL LIFE, every Thursday. People are bored of swiping, they’re bored of matching, they’re bored of even chatting via messenger. It’s mundane, it’s a waste of time and more often than not, the conversation just fizzles out and that’s it, you don’t actually get to meet.

“By only being live one day a week, we create that sense of urgency to match, chat and meet that day. Otherwise that match will be gone forever (all messages and matches disappear at midnight on Thursday). In addition, we’re the only dating app that runs successful singles events where we hire out bars, venues, experiences and get singles to meet other singles IRL. I think the best thing about us is there is always something you can get out of a Thursday being single (if you’re in London or NYC that is), don’t fancy going on a 1-1 date? No problem, we’ve got events going on where you can meet other like-minded single people. It’s a win-win, no matter the Thursday.”

Committed to finding the one? Let’s talk about paid features!


“Tinder is available in three paid subscription tiers: Tinder+, Tinder Gold and Tinder Platinum. Each subscription tier comes with its own set of features.

With Tinder+, Tinder Gold and Tinder Platinum members are able to use the Tinder passport feature. Tinder Passport provides endless places to go and new people to meet all without leaving your home. The most popular cities for singletons in the UK to passport to are LA, New York and Paris. 

Another paid feature available on Tinder Gold and Tinder Platinum is the ability to see who has liked you! Likes You, or “See Who Likes You” allows members to see who has already liked them. Singletons can then browse the profiles in a grid view, rather than the traditional cardstack, and decide who to match with.”


“Our free membership offers daters a unique level of access to connect with each other, including the ability to see everyone who likes them (something most other apps charge for), to send a comment to someone you’re interested in and access to the same in-depth profiles and curated community of relationship-seekers as Preferred Membership. If you do fancy paying though, Preferred Members receive access to an unlimited number of likes and advanced profile preferences (e.g., height, family plans, vices, and more).


“Bumble has a new two-tier subscription model offering Bumble Boost and Bumble Premium – our top tier option. With the new subscriptions we launched Incognito Mode in Bumble Premium which allows you to only be seen by people who you swipe right on.”

Bumble Boost

  • Rematch – chat to expired matches
  • Extend – get more time to chat with matches beyond the 24 hour window
  • Spotlight – get your profile to the front of the queue
  • Superswipe – make a bold first move
  • Backtrack – change your mind and give someone a 2nd chance
  • Unlimited swipes

Bumble Premium

  • Everything from Boost (Rematch, Extend, Spotlight, Superswipe, Backtrack, Unlimited Swipes)
  • Beeline – see who’s already swiped right on you
  • Incognito – only get seen by those you swipe right on
  • Travel – change your location to connect with people in different areas
  • Unlimited Advanced Filters – allows you to refine your matches and focus on what you really want in a partner


Users with a standard (free) membership can log in on Thursdays and:

  • Send up to 10 ‘likes’
  • View up to 200 profiles
  • Exchange messages with matches

There is also a premium “VIP” membership called BlackCard, which costs £14.99 per month, giving you the option to send unlimited likes, check out as many profiles as you want and boost your profile (giving you 60x more exposure!).

Feeling ready to get back out there? Happy swiping everyone! 


5 Outfit Ideas For Every Type of Concert This Summer

From standalone gigs to weekend festivals, live music is well and truly back this summer, and Team Zoella couldn't be more happy about it.

The lights go down, the crowd screams and suddenly nothing else matters.
Up there with stepping off a plane and feeling the heat hit your face, live music is arguably one of life’s biggest pleasures, transporting you to a time and place where you can truly be yourself and forget the daily grind for a few hours- total bliss! 

From standalone gigs to weekend festivals, live music is well and truly back this summer, and Team Zoella couldn’t be more happy about it. This month we’re sharing the outfits we’ve been eagerly planning as we count down to the events that make our hearts swell, because if your spare time isn’t spent daydreaming about if Harry Styles will spot your 10/10 outfit in the crowd, you’re doing it wrong…

Charlotte – Harry Styles Love on Tour

Harry Styles Love On Tour is in fact going to be my personality trait for the entirety of the summer months and I ain’t sorry about it. I’m doing 3 shows in the space of 4 days next month and let’s just say the outfit planning is intense right now. For this look I’ve gone for something relatively comfortable but that still screams Harry, and I’m really feeling it- imagine dancing to Music For a Sushi Restaurant in this?! UGH I’m excited. Trousers are always a good shout for a show practicality wise, and I feel like 99% of the audience are going to be wearing cowboy boots which I once again am more than happy to get on board with. Finish with some face gems (because if you can’t be extra when seeing Harry Styles, when can you), and a little bag for a portable charger, lip gloss and money for merch and voila, ready to rock!

Darcey – Mighty Hoopla Festival

I’m going to the Mighty Hoopla next Friday so it felt only natural to put together an outfit for this event! I am going to be graced with the presence of Steps, Anastacia and Cascada, sorry what?! This calls for a good outfit. I’ve gone with a beautiful purple satin slip dress from UO because I also wanted to buy something I could wear again, I’ve styled it with some frilly socks (it’s giving year 6 disco and I love it) and some platform converse. Accessory wise I found some flower earrings also on UO which I think would be super fun with the look and then bag wise I’m going bumbag of course, need something practical for all the dancing and running around from stage to stage.

Lareese – Adele at Hyde Park

Did I get tickets? No. Am I a bitter Daydreamer? Alexa, play Cry Your Heart Out. I was meant to see her in 2017 but missed out when she had to cancel her last two Wembley shows, so it seems I’m just not destined to experience the euphoria that is hearing Delly in real life. Woe. Is. Me. I might be sat at home sulking in July but mentally, I’ll be at Hyde Park in my summer best, comprising of this gathered midi dress. I’d team it with an oversized blazer (this is England after all), flat sandals for comfort, sunnies and a croc baguette bag for another pop of green.

Danielle – Little Mix Tour

I didn’t get tickets to this year’s Little Mix final tour but they’ve been on my bucket list of people to see FOREVER. I’ve been lapping up the fan cam content, so putting this outfit together of what I would have worn was both brilliant and heartbreaking! Kicking off with a white t-shirt under this super cute lilac satin dress, I believe this Motel dress has gone “viral on TikTok” as you can tie it round the back so it fits you better. Oversized denim jackets are always a vibe especially in the summer and this one from Arket looks like it goes with everything. White sandals on the feet but I also think white trainers would work great too, especially if you’re travelling on foot to the venue. Finish the whole thing off with a pop of colour in the form of this lime green handbag.

Maddie – SkyBar Festival

Sky Bar is the ultimate seaside festival hosted in the most picturesque spots on the southwest coast. This is where beach chic comes into its own, so the outfit possibilities are endless. A Sky Bar evening can go from a magical sunset moment sipping cocktails to cutting shapes on the epic dance floors pretty quickly, so your outfit needs to go from day to night in seconds. I’ve picked a really cute gingham dress which I would pair with a little white denim jacket. For festivals I’m all about comfort so you can’t go wrong with some classic white converse, but I would add a few anklets which always give a nod to the holiday vibes. Throw on some retro sunnies and a tiny bag and you’re good to go, just don’t forget your sun cream!

*All products on this page have been picked by our editorial team but some are ad-affiliate links


Introducing the SheSpot X Zoella Collaboration: The Ultimate Self-Love Experience

The collaboration is an exciting partnership of two like-minded brands on a mission to tackle the residual taboos around women's pleasure and sexuality. We have worked together to curate a premium sexual wellness box featuring market-leading sex toys, intimate care products and self-love treats from cult brands as well as small, female-founded businesses.

We are truly living in the golden age of subscription boxes, from flowers, pasta, candles, coffee and books, you can order just about anything on repeat and directly to your door these days, but if we’re talking about god-tier-what-a-time-to-be-alive postal euphoria, then let it be known that we’ve officially peaked at sexual wellness in a box, guys. Curious? Prepare to be high key obsessed with our sexiest collaboration to date: SheSpot X Zoella aka the gift that keeps on giving. 

Embracing the upcoming Summer season, this edition is designed to be the ultimate travel companion, with a holistic collection of travel-friendly products for pleasure and pampering. 

The collaboration is an exciting partnership of two like-minded brands on a mission to tackle the residual taboos around women’s pleasure and sexuality. We have worked together to curate a premium sexual wellness box featuring market-leading sex toys, intimate care products and self-love treats from cult brands as well as small, female-founded businesses. Embracing the upcoming Summer season, this edition is designed to be the ultimate travel companion, with a holistic collection of travel-friendly products for pleasure and pampering. 

With contents worth over £160, you can get your hands on the SheSpot X Zoella edition for £70 when bought as a quarterly subscription (boxes sent out every 3 months), or pay £85 for a one-off purchase, perfect for gifting or a treat to self. Discovering what makes you tick has never been easier! 

Who is SheSpot?

SheSpot was born out of a desire to help women enjoy sexual wellness and explore self-love confidently. Featuring a curated selection of premium female-focused self-love products, it’s the first-of-its-kind subscription box designed to showcase the very best in sexual wellness, whilst helping women enjoy and confidently explore their bodies and minds.

After all, sexual wellness is about so much more than just sex – it’s about holding space for yourself, both physically and emotionally, appreciating your body and taking ownership of your pleasure. 

Co-Founders and best friends Holy and Kalila wanted to create a trusted brand that champions women’s pleasure and nurtures their curiosity in a safe and stimulating environment, providing recipients with the ultimate self-love experience whether they’re coupled up, flying solo or anything in between. 

The SheSpot X Zoella Collaboration

With female empowerment at the core of the Zoella brand, sexual wellness was always a topic we wanted to champion within our community. The first time we wrote about female pleasure – more specifically sex toys – the article went viral, reaffirming the urgent need for women’s pleasure to be spoken about openly without shame or embarrassment. 

Women enjoy sex, this shouldn’t be a touchy subject or breaking news. When a woman is free to explore and embrace her sexual desires safely and on her terms, she can learn what feels good for her and communicate what she wants effectively in the bedroom, paving the way for good, healthy, consensual sex. 

Together with SheSpot, we hope we can help women and folk with a vagina embrace their sexuality by making female pleasure a priority, not an optional extra. The SheSpot X Zoella edition is available to pre-order from the SheSpot website now, officially launching on 1st June and available until 31 August (whilst stocks last!). Let this be your sign to get in there early and make the most of Masturbation May! 

Stay tuned for more news and updates, and a deep dive into each of the products in the Summer box… spoiler alert: it’s a vibe. 

Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust

We will be donating 5% of all profits to leading cervical cancer charity, Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust. Jo’s are there for everyone who needs them for as long as they need them and they won’t stop until the day that cervical cancer is no more. Cervical cancer can be devastating but they are here to reduce the impact by providing trustworthy information, campaigning for change and providing support at every step.


All the Thoughts & Feelings We Had Whilst Listening to Harry’s House

20th May 2022. For Harries of the world far and wide, life changed for good as the clock struck twelve and Harry Styles’ third studio album, Harry’s House, was released into the world.

20th May 2022. For Harries of the world far and wide, life changed for good as the clock struck twelve and Harry Styles’ third studio album, Harry’s House, was released into the world. The Internet, naturally, hasn’t stopped talking about it ever since. The shimmering,  self-assured and charming-at-its-core collection of tracks are velvety smooth in their sound, proving that, as far as Harry is concerned, home really is where the heart is. Described by Mr Styles as his “biggest and most fun, but by far the most intimate” album so far, it truly feels like Harry at his most authentic. After approximately 100 listens, we felt it only appropriate to share the rollercoaster of thoughts and feelings that unravelled between tracks 1 to 13, from the emotional stab to the heart that was Matilda, to joyful and upbeat rhythms of Late Night Talking, this no-skip album has captured our souls already…

Music For a Sushi Restaurant

  • Pure good vibes from start to finish. Has there ever been a better album opener? Rhetorical question. 
  • I could cook an egg on YOU.
  • Not Harry referencing how things taste in Medicine, Watermelon Sugar and now MFASR. The thought of the man’s tongue is simply too much.
  • The tiny scoobidoobidoos = pure ASMR.
  • The first song on the album being thirst central is a strong mood.
  • Petition for this to be the only song on the Yo! Sushi restaurant playlist please.
  • The last 10 seconds are giving ultimate rockstar.
  • Music For a Sushi Restaurant. That’s it, that’s the tweet.

Late Night Talking

  • “There’s a haze on the horizon babe”- yeah it’s us not being able to see through the tears of how good this album is. 
  • Oozes the feeling of being irresistibly drawn to someone and it feels so. good. 
  • “I’ve never been a fan of change”- the Night Changes parallels are too much. 
  • A chorus in which dancing is a MUST. Anyone else even more excited for Love On Tour now?
  • The upbeat vibes of As It Was are coming throughhhh.
  • 2 minutes and 57 seconds of happiness.


  • The ‘1, 2, 3’  is giving the same vibes as Harry’s Calm Sleep Story and we ain’t mad about it. 
  • Long Italian evenings. Sipping wine against a sunset backdrop. Driving with the roof down. Forehead kisses. Flowers tucked behind your ear. Waves lapping at your feet. Comfortable silence. Surprise visits. Easy love. 
  • Them: “I skip Grapejuice” red flag.

As It Was

  • Iconic at its core.
  • As the first single from Harry’s House it will remain groundbreaking forever.
  • The Instagram and TikTok anthem of ‘22. 
  • Overplayed? Maybe. 
  • Still in love? Yes. 


  • “Reading your horoscope, you were just doing cocaine in my kitchen, you never listen” we’re definitely not in One Direction territory anymore are we?
  • Wondering if Harry sprinkled some in this song because it is Addictive with a capital A.
  • Definition of a Soft Bop.
  • If I was a bluebird I would fly to YOU @HarryStyles. 
  • Anyone else ready to incite a riot if this isn’t on the HSLOT setlist?
  • It might not be related to Ms Swift but them both having a song called Daylight is kinda sweet, no?

Little Freak

  • WELL.
  • Who knew a song called Little Freak would be so sweet. Insert cry emoji.
  • Will need 2-3 business days to recover.
  • “Track suit and a ponytail” us, hungover buying Lucozade on a Sunday morning. 
  • Sad boy ballad 101.
  • One level deeper than Cherry from Fine Line.
  • Headphones aren’t enough, scream it into our ears.


  • Little Freak followed by Matilda. Harry, we’re sending our therapy invoices. 
  • Those first few guitar chords- CHILLS.
  • A fan favourite, as it should be.
  • A f*ck you to those who ever disregarded your feelings, didn’t treat you right, left you out, abandoned you and made you feel unlovable. The chosen family you deserve exists.
  • Sad but comforting x100.
  • Brb off to actually watch Roald Dahl’s Matilda now.


  • “You got, you got the cinemaaaaaa”
  • A much needed 80s pick-me-up after the melancholic Matilda. 
  • Who’s ready to dance in the pit?!
  • Harry being like “Am I cool enough?” is sexy. Insecure? Don’t know what for.
  • Slick synth-pop tune at its peak- consider it bop o’clock! 
  • “You pop when we get intimate” SORRRYYYYY SIR????


  • Two words- the bridge.
  • The older sister to TPWK.
  • Surely the next Harry’s House single?
  • “When you give me all of your love, give me something to dream about”  here we go again with another line about someone Harry can’t get enough of, that isn’t us.
  • Can we discuss the high notes for a second?
  • Put the car roof down and blast it vibes.

Keep Driving

  • As It Was gave us “Come on harry we wanna say goodnight to you” so that Keep Driving could give us “Cocaine, side boob, choke her with a sea view”
  • The intimate relationship memories we’re now a part of.  Sobbing.
  • Keep driving and RUN ME OVER PLEASE.
  • The Keep Driving verse is exactly 15 secs long making it perfect for Instagram Stories and the way to our hearts. 
  • When everything goes wrong, just keep driving.


  • The opening is giving Stranger Things energy 
  • For those that don’t like it: consider it a grower.
  • … Either way it will be stuck in your head for 3-5 business days.
  • “SPiNnin’ out, wAIitiNN’ for ya, to pull meeeeEee in…”
  • Today is a Satellite day. Tomorrow will be Satellite day, and every day moving forward will be a Satellite day. Sorry, we don’t make the rules.


  • Coachella heard it first and we understand why. Perfection.
  • Standing by the “to boyfriends everywhere, f*ck you” statement
  • Could have ramped up more but chose not to, and we respect it.
  • Fleetwood Mac inspired = *chefs kiss*
  • “Boyfriends, they think you’re so easy. They take you for granted, they don’t know, they’re just misunderstanding.” SING IT LOUDER HARRY.
  • A reminder that honestly, men ain’t sh*t. 
  • Choppy, melodic, stunning.

Love of my Life

  • The Queen crossover must be acknowledged.
  • Harry shifted from “you are the love of my life” to “you were the love of my life” mid-song ??????? Explain please.
  • To leave us with this as the last song is simply CRUEL.
  • The tenderness and vulnerability of Girl Crush is back
  • Listen with airpods and thank us later.



10 of the Best Pale and Interesting Rosé Wines to Have on Your Radar this Summer 

The Angel has officially Whispered, people! From Provence to Portugal, here’s a look at the wines crying out for a sun terrace and a posh bag of crisps or oysters on ice, if you’re so inclined.

Rosé season is fast approaching – even if the weather is yet to get the memo – so in a bid to make this year’s park picnics a 10/10 Provencal cottagecore dream, we’ve rounded up only the prettiest, palest blush vinos to get you in the spirit of summer.

The Angel has officially Whispered, people! From Provence to Portugal, here’s a look at the wines crying out for a sun terrace and a posh bag of crisps or oysters on ice, if you’re so inclined. Trust us, there’s not a bottle of saccharine, furry teeth, heady hen-party fuel in sight. 

1. Amie X Rosé

Dreamt up during lockdown, Amie is a vegan wine created by friends, for friends (the name literally means female friends in French). Amie x Rosé is a pale, dry organic rosé produced in the Languedoc, south of France. Made from a blend of organic Grenache and Cinsault, the wine is a premium take on their original rosé and is light and crisp with citrus and strawberry characteristics, pairing well with salads, grilled and barbecued food. As if we weren’t already sold on the taste alone, £1 from each order will be donated to charity: water to help provide clean drinking water to people in developing countries. And whilst Amie’s out here being the full package drinkable, charitable rosé that it is, check the branding. Exquisite! As aesthetically-pleasing as it is delicious, this is *the* bottle to be seen drinking this summer. Now to pin down a long lunch date with whichever pal has been blessed with a garden. Santé!

Buy it here: £18.00 for 75cl 

2. Mirabeau Pure Provence Rosé 

Synonymous with long, languid days on the Côte d’Azur, Mirabeau Pure is their flagship rosé, lovingly referred to as ‘Provence in a glass’. Crafted from some of the finest sun-drenched vineyards in the region, you’ll be very popular if you rock up at the barbecue with this fine wine up your sleeve. Delicate and balanced, and displaying aromas of peach, lychee, passion fruit and flint, it’s perfect for pairing with lighter cuisine and desserts with a citrus note. 

Buy it here: £15.49 75cl 

3. ‘M’ De Minuty Rosé Côtes de Provence

Gorgeous, gorgeous girls drink Minuty and pretend they’re holidaying in the Med. Château Minuty is a magnificent estate situated on the Saint-Tropez peninsula, delighting wine aficionados since the 19th century. Not only is it one of the last remaining Châteaux in Provence to pick their grapes by hand, it’s one of only 23 estates to be designated Cru Classé (the best of the best). Its elegant minerality truly sets it apart from the rest, making it effortlessly quaffable in the sunshine and the perfect partner for shellfish or a fresh Nicoise salad thanks to its white peach notes and hints of strawberry. For a dependable summer rosé made to be enjoyed on a sun-kissed roof terrace, look no further than this prestigious crowd pleaser. 

Buy it here: £14.89 75cl

4. LB7 Rosé

With flavours of strawberry, peaches and cream, and a lovely soft finish, LB7 Rosé is just as dry and refreshing as any Provencal pink. The grapes come from the Lisboa region whereby the climate gives it a lovely fresh acidity but it’s matched with fruity strawberry flavours making it juicy on the palate and super drinkable. Serve as an aperitif with salty almonds, olives or any seafood dish. 

Buy it here: £8.99 75cl

5. Miraval Provence Rose

Whiling away a summer’s afternoon doesn’t get better than this. Miraval shot to fame when Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt purchased the estate (aka the promised land of legendary wine) back in 2008 and even got married there in 2014, so let that be your sign to pick up a bottle of the pink plonk and toast to hot girl summer. Gloriously scented with spring flowers and fresh fruit, Miraval delicately combines flavours of red currants and citrus for an elegant rosé

with mineral saline notes and a long finish. In other words, it’s dangerously drinkable. 

£19.00 75cl

Buy now:

6. Lady A Rosé

Still waiting on your Soho House membership? Same, hun but with a glass of Lady A in hand, you can create those immaculate Soho House vibes from the comfort of your own home. 

Soho House Sommelier Vincent Gasnier describes it as a “delicious thirst-quenching rose – yet delicate and elegant. Pale in colour, it is light, crisp and zesty, offering flavours of citrus, pink grapefruit, peach and raspberry with a long and refreshing finish.” 

Can we technically call it a food shop if it’s 90% liquid? Asking for a friend. 

Buy it here: £16.00 75cl

7. MAÏA Rosé, Côtes de Provence

Best enjoyed barefoot with your besties, MAÏA is a beautiful salmon-pink blend of Cinsault, Grenache, Syrah, Rolle and Mourvèdre from ancient vineyards in the heart of the Côtes de Provence appellation. Generous sunshine, coupled with sea breezes from the nearby Mediterranean Sea provide the perfect conditions for making fresh, elegant rosé. Featuring pear drop notes with an uplifting acidity, MAÏA is the perfect drink to capture the spirit of Provence, evocative of sunny days and long meals around the table with friends and family.  

Buy it here: £18.90 75cl

8. Quatre Vin Rosé 2021

Say enchanté to one of the new kids on the block. Created by four friends with a passion for wine, food and good times, Quatre Vine Rosé was born when Oliver Proudlock, his wife Emma Lousie Proudlock, Elliot Awin and his fiancée Paula Anton collaborated with the 7th generation wine making Negrel family. Organically-farmed, vegan friendly and sustainably made at a family run winery in the heart of Provence, it’s a classic mineral rosé that conjures carefree, sun-soaked days in the south of France. If fresh and peachy is your thing, with barely-there colour, then introduce Quatre Vin Rose to all future summer soirees. 

Buy it here: £16.99 75cl

9. Maison Gutowski M-G 2020

This award-winning vino is a premium blend sourced from older vines from some of the best sites in the appellation (protected wine regions). Delicate with florals, red fruits and white peach, it’s a fail-safe rosé all-year round. That said, it goes down *particularly* well on a balmy summer evening. Alexa, play Taylor Swift – August. 

Buy it here: £25.00 75cl

10.  Whispering Angel

No self-respecting rosé round-up would be complete without the poster child of translucent ballet slipper wine: Whispering Angel, from the award-winning Château d’Esclans. Adored by wine lovers across the globe (including the one and only, Adele) and reputedly the greatest rosé in the world, it’s the cherubic cult summer wine we all love to love. With fresh notes of apple, pink grapefruit, peach and cream, its taste profile is full and lush while being bone dry with a smooth finish. Summer simply isn’t summer until the Angel has Whispered. 

Buy it here: £20.00 75cl


26 Summer Basics Your Future Self Will Thank You For Buying

From black smock dresses to tan bodysuits, white dungarees to silk midi skirts, basics don't have to be boring, bestie!

From Coastal Grandma to Dopamine Dressing, there are already plentiful micro trends that have emerged for summer 2022, and truth be told we fancy a little slice of all of them…

Alongside the statement pieces that are too good to refuse, building a warm weather wardrobe made of wearable neutrals and staple pieces is giving That Girl energy, and we’re so here for it. From black smock dresses to tan bodysuits, white dungarees to silk midi skirts, basics don’t have to be boring, bestie!

For the maximalists amongst us, shopping for staples doesn’t exactly feel as fun as adding a neon pair of cowboy boots to your basket, but ensuring you have a strong collection of neutrals to let your statement pieces really do the talking is something you’ll thank yourself for later. They might not be revolutionary, but they’re oh so worth it…

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