This post contains many a spoiler
- London is like, really pretty
- Did she just punch a reindeer? Yes, yes she did
- So, this is a Yuletide store is in Covent Garden but it only has two
members of staff? Sure, sure - Is pigeons sh*t green all year round or just at Christmas?
- Who is this mysterious dancing man in a nice coat who keeps
appearing and waltzing off again? - Must get “I will nail you to my dick” into a sentence
- Emilia Clarke’s eyebrows have more agility than my entire body
- “I’m busy, you’re weird” – It’s like a lesson in how-to Tinder
- Tom is basically like a modern-day Bernard’s Watch on a bicycle
- I could listen to Emma Thompson saying Dick and Penis all day
- I wish I could feel confident enough to go and chill in a public garden
in London. Alone. Just me and my sandwich - This must be their big Torvill & Dean moment
- Oh look, it’s only Sue blooming Perkins
- Santa is such a badass. I love her.
- Wow, he doesn’t have a phone. He’s either the perfect man or a serial killer
- Tom, you’re a dreamboat but please stop saying look up
- If someone has to die, let it be him. I don’t think I can lose Emilia Clarke twice in one year
- Being a human being IS hard. Tom is just so f*cking understanding
- Second to Thackery Binx, Tom might just be the sexiest ghost we’ve ever seen
- This is the cheesemas we all need in our lives
- The lyrics, oh oh the lyrics
- “Look after my heart, it was always going to be yours anyway” NO YOU’RE CRYING, KAREN
- This film is making me want to be a better human
- I want to make healthy choices
- If I cut my hair short I will hold Emilia Clarke personally responsible
- Who invited the estate agent to the party?
- Something’s happening… I feel like I want to clap. Shall I clap?
- Hands are clapping, people. Hands are clapping
- Best line of the movie: lesbian pudding
- Ah look, Kate’s drinking smoothies and now she’s bullet journaling which means she really has her sh*t together now